Monday, May 14, 2012

*f*artin' around

i'm trying to avoid loafing around [drinking] in my apartment all day, and it turns out that that's difficult, since i haven't been able to find a job just yet and the vast majority of my friends have returned to their respective cities for the summer... but oh well.

here's some of the things i've been doing with my spare time.
you know. besides jobhunting and unpacking and assembling furniture and painting the walls. 

barnacle love.

india ink portrait of my sibling for our mother

india ink portrait of my me for my mother
here's a gouache squid that i sketched, painted, and inked entirely while under the influence of many many many rum and cokes. i am shocked at how well this came out.

rockin' and rollin'.
in my apartment.
just me, sissy spacek, and shelley duvall.

Friday, May 4, 2012

One More Try

tomorrow i flee my beloved dorm and begin the transfer into my shiny new apartment. 
gosh, the new experiences just keep on stacking up. it's madness.

you know what? my stop-motion final is never going to upload here. i don't know why, but i'm just gonna go ahead and accept that. so, i guess, if anyone cares/reads this stupid thing, here's a link to it on my vimeo.

also, here is this slightly offensive-looking painting that i did:

here's a painting that i did right after finishing my very last animation project of sophomore year:

oh, and here's a painting that i've been working on for ages that i will probably never finish:

i'm a scatterebrained mess right now, but at least i'm a scatterbrained mess with an address. 