Friday, February 3, 2012

every day is self-portrait day

... in my heart.

yep. that's what i did last night. in honor of crushes and february-ness in general, i spent last night lovingly crafting this beautiful little blue watercolor rendering of what i look like when i see something wonderful. [like... cartoons, boys, french bulldogs, cute clothes, food, comic books...]

i wish i had that outfit like you wouldn't believe. also: yes. i am blue. constantly.

i love love, man. it just doesn't love me. but, you know, there's eleven days til valentimes. let's see if anything happens! 

so, yeah! uhm, i'm happy with this. the little heart-guys were drawn on with pen, and i like the look a lot. i was considering watercoloring them in, but... you know. whatever. cartoon me would obviously still want to be surrounded by cartoony-looking things. 

uhm... have a fabulous friday!

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