Friday, November 12, 2010

busy beyond belief

i knew i was never going to update this thing.

i know nobody reads this stupid thing, but i feel like a failure for not updating. it's more of a personal thing at this point. i've been having the week from hell: i'm doing storyboards for three films, production designing another, as well as directing, production designing, and screenwriting my own. i was supposed to begin shooting this weekend and record voice overs so i could get a head start on animating this week, but... the man who's in charge of my actors had jury duty so my amazing producer and i couldn't get in contact with him in time. luckily, she and i were able to get in contact with him today, so... i'll be scooting over to the school, [where we will be shooting], and cast this crazy thing. 

so, besides that, i have other classes. two gigantic projects in first year seminar, a four page paper in writing and rhetoric, tests in math, and a six page paper on Tim Burton that is due monday morning. honestly, i should be able to just rattle this thing off, [i adore Tim Burton], but i'm having so much trouble... so much blockage in my creative tubes...

i confess. there is a boy, and i want things to work out with him so very badly... but i have fantastically bad skills when it comes to picking boys. oh well. maybe he'll just get tired of me. or maybe i'll kill the spark dead. either way, our date tonight went pretty poorly. but that's probably because we've both just had incredibly bad weeks and roommate problems. why am i admitting this on the internet.

ANYWAY. my productivity has been poo. so, here's some very old drawings i did when i was a toddler.
apparently i've always been disturbed.



i'm hoping chicago stops seeming so bleak soon. i could use a miracle right now.

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