Wednesday, February 8, 2012

bleep bloop blop

what even is a "mood piece"? 

i'm working on drafting and inking my graphic novel page for this week, and it's so... difficult. i don't normally do really artsy things, i mean... well, last time i tried to create a real, ahem, "emotional" piece, i actually ended up freaking out before i could present it. 

anyway, this isn't an "emotional" project i'm working on right now. it's just an artistic represetation of what i do when i'm up late at night. and that's why it's titled "what i do when i'm awake at night." i always was a fan of self-explanatory titles. 

uhm, but, yeah. so, here's draft one. i was pretty late last night writing out what it is that i do and then sketching the things i'd written. it's gonna change completely by the time i finish, but like, you know. might as well post the first draft for like, idunno, posterity. 


UGH! what? WHAT. we had a fire drill before i could actually post my image. WHAT? here's the score:
college dorm: 1
marissa: 0.3

anyway, here's the friggin' image.

have a wonderful rest of wednesday!

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