Sunday, February 19, 2012

if i can't go to heaven, let me go to LA

or the far-west Texas desert or an Oregon summer day!

it's been a slightly overwhelming week. things are gettin' weirdly professional over here. i've got a website on the burner: all i have to do is buy a proper domain name; something that for some reason, i'm putting off doing. i'm volunteering for actual events at my school, including our "industry night," which is a day when all of the professionals and alumni from Columbia return to the school to exchange information with students. and then on friday i went to a dance and shimmied the night away. also, a handsome boy gave me his number. HAH.
and my work is getting noticed by teachers? joe said i had "potential." what? i do? and also thurop van orman. he said my sketches were "rad." my feet will never touch the ground again. 

but yeah, so, that's why i haven't been posting. but here's a few sketches i did between animating and running around.

i'm thinking of using this one for an experiment with photoshop. we'll see.

stay beautiful! i'll post my website soon, i swear.

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